Monday, June 21, 2010

She wants to crawl!!


  1. Congrats! So cute - she looks like she's concentrating so hard! Sugar Plum is still stuck on her belly - since she took swim classes she now tries to swim instead of trying to crawl :)

  2. close! She will be before you know it and then you won't be able to stop her! She's definitely a cutie!

  3. What a cutie!!! And she looks like she's totally ready to go. The second photograph is so funny - looks like she's doing push-ups. By the way, I love the pics of your nursery, it looks so calm :)

  4. She's almost there! She'll be off on four limbs before you know it!

  5. While I am so mad that I had my camera on a "snow" setting and the pictures came out all grainy, I am so thrilled I was able to at least capture the series! She is so, so close! I'm excited and terrified at the same time!
