Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Survival and Weight Update

I have officially survived my first two solo days with Baby Katie, and honestly, it has been a million times easier than I expected. Having Smyrna Grandmother here for a couple weeks to get me acclamated, and having a weekend with Smyrna Dad and Baby Katie helped me ease my way into the past couple days...and I think I passed with flying colors!

I even ventured out of the house today, with Baby Katie, and headed down to the pediatrician's office for her last weight check! The little one has gained 10 oz in a mere 7 days, which was just the best news!! I can now cancel my lactation appointment as I think it is clearly obvious that the milk is flowing just fine!

Unfortunately, she is still testing positive for blood in her stool, which means that there is still some form of an allergy that is present. Now, whether or not the allergy is definitely a milk-protein allergy remains to be seen. She will get re-tested on Monday, and if she tests positive for blood, we will talk about next steps. As the pediatrician reiterated today, it does take approximately 2 weeks for the dairy to get out of your system, so it's still early.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we start to see some improvement in the next week or so!

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