Friday, February 26, 2010

The Working Mother

Well, I have officially gone back to work, and completed my first two days without any sort of breakdown. I have to say that while it was hard to leave Katie, at least I knew she was at home with her Grandmother and I did not have to deal with the trauma of taking her to daycare. For the next two weeks, she will remain at home and starting in two weeks from Monday, she will make the trek North with me.

While I can't say I was ready to actually "work", it was wonderful to be back in my office, visiting with my colleagues and talking about "adult" stuff. I told a couple people that I was really nervous that I was going to all of a sudden start talking in third person and say, "Mommy has to go to the bathroom! I'll be right back!" or something along those lines. Thankfully, I spared myself the humiliation.

I'm still in shock that 3.5 months has passed so quickly. It just doesn't seem possible that I am actually back - I feel like any day now I will wake up from a dream.

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